Wanda's Go Green Crusade

15 Pages, Picture illustrated children’s story book

Shs. 15000

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If it was not for Wanda, what would the King of Kuku do? She may be a little kid but in her, Kuku kingdom has the priceless treasure unmatched elsewhere. As Wanda thinks deeply on how to deliver the message of the singing tree to the King, an action thought occurs to her. Why not form a crusade and invite everyone in to save the environment. No one can stare and stand still as the “Go Green Crusade” band marches through the streets of Kuku Kingdom. Who can resist the music from the beautiful poem inviting everyone to save mother nature? It is a beautiful way to invite young children into doing little acts to save the environment. Teachers and leaners alike will enjoy the fun reading poem whose tempo builds from simple questions to a climax of determined action and commitments.

Compositions Cotton
Styles Casual
Properties Short Sleeve